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  • December 25, 2013
  • By Alberto Cieri Senior Director of Worldwide Sales & Marketing for Matrox Video Products Group
  • Spotlights

Matrox: Executive Palmistry 2014

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Plotting the course: HD to 4K streaming

In 2014, the web’s ability to deliver to every screen in a household will see it become the “go to” medium for delivering video content to the widest possible audience. The advent of 4K video will only drive this trend more forcefully.

We [Matrox] expect to see more migration from HD to 4K in the content creation space. Acquisition, post production and display technologies have made rapid progress – more devices are coming to market with prices dropping. This lets content producers create video in 4K, ensuring the long term value of their assets. It is the distribution of 4K content using traditional broadcast infrastructure that is very challenging, primarily due to bandwidth limitations. As a result, assets will be downscaled to HD or lower to reach most screens.

As 4K computer displays and televisions find their way into homes, people will seek out 4K content. For the foreseeable future, their only option will be to download this content from the web and play using hard drive-equipped gaming consoles and streaming media players or computers. Live streaming of 4K poses similar challenges to 4K broadcast, again due to the bandwidth required to view 4K in all its glory. However, 4K broadcast adoption is being held back in many jurisdictions as various factions, ranging from corporate interests to regulatory and standards bodies, debate how 4K will ultimately be implemented by traditional broadcasters. These hurdles are far fewer for web distribution of video content. It is highly likely that the technology obstacles facing 4K live streaming will be overcome before consensus is reached for 4K broadcast implementation.

In the meantime, 4K TV early adopters will join the ranks of web video enthusiasts as they seek out compelling content and discover the ease with which home entertainment systems can accommodate this new medium.

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